Using Your Account
Overview of Using Your Account
Learn the benefits of an account, how to create an account, how to sign in, and how to manage your account.
Account Benefits
If you have an account, you can:
- Join our mailing list, participate in user testing to help us improve the site, provide feedback and ask general support questions, and ask for assistance with finding disability statistics that are not on the site.
- Save specific results so you don’t have to re-select them in the Selection pane (feature coming soon).
Creating an Account
To create an account:
- Open the Register page using this link (or, in the site’s top navigation, at the right, click Create Account).
- In the Register form, enter the requested details. A few notes on the form:
- The password must be at least 8 characters long.
- If you would like to receive occasional email messages from us, select “Yes, I would like to receive…”. You can change this setting later in your user profile.
- If you would like to assist us with usability testing, select “Yes, I would be willing to participate…”. You can change this setting later in your user profile.
- Click the Register button to create your account. creates your account and Account Center opens. Notice that Account Center has options for resetting your password and for contacting us for general support or for additional information about disability statistics.
Signing in to
To sign in:
- Open the Login page using this link (or, in the site’s top navigation, near the right, click Sign In).
- In the Login form, enter your details.
- If you would like to stay logged in, select Remember Me.
- Click the Login button. logs you in, and Account Center opens. The site’s top navigation shows your username at the right.
To sign out, click your username in the site’s top navigation and choose Log Out.
If You Forgot Your Password
To reset your password:
- Open the Reset Password page using this link (or, in the site’s top navigation, near the right, click Sign In and then click Forgot Your Password?).
- Enter the email address you used to create your account. (If you enter the wrong address and want to try again, refresh the browser page and then enter a different email address.)
- Click the Send Password Reset Link button to see a message, “We have emailed your password reset link.”
- Check your email for a message from In the message, click Reset Password to open the Reset Password page in your Web browser.
- In the Reset Password form, enter your password twice, and click the Reset Password button. resets your password, signs you in, and opens Account Center.
Managing Your Account
This topic discusses changing “profile” information you provided when you registered (including joining our mailing list), changing your password, and deleting your account.
Updating your profile
To update your account information:
- Open the Account Center Profile page using this link (or, after you have signed in, in the site’s top navigation, click your username and choose Profile).
- Click the Edit Profile button.
- Change the information in your profile as desired.
- Click the Submit button. displays your updated profile.
Changing your password
To change your account password:
- Open the Reset Password page by clicking this link (or, once you’ve signed in, in the site’s top navigation at the right, click your name and choose Account Home, and then click Reset Password).
- Enter the email address you used to create your account. (If you enter the wrong address and want to try again, refresh the browser page and then enter a different email address.)
- Click the Send Password Reset Link button to see a message, “We have emailed your password reset link.”
- Check your email for a message from In the message, click Reset Password to open the Reset Password page in your Web browser.
- In the Reset Password form, enter your password twice, and click the Reset Password button. resets your password, signs you in, and opens Account Center.
Deleting your account
You can also delete your account, though we’ll be sorry to see you go. To delete your account, you first need to sign in. Then, using the site’s top navigation, click your name at the right and choose Delete Account.