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American Community Survey (ACS)
2008-2022 ?
- Prevalence
- Employment Rate
- Not Working but Actively Looking for Work
- Full-Time / Full-Year Employment
- Annual Earnings
- Annual Household Income
- Poverty
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Educational Attainment
- Veterans Service-Connected Disability
- Health Insurance Coverage (and Type)
Current Population Survey (CPS)
1981-2014 ?
EEOC Charge Data
2006-2014 ?
Report Dashboard
- State Level Reports on Common Issues and Bases
- Compare the Most Common Bases Cited Across States
- Compare the Most Common Issues Cited Across States
- Charge Rate Comparison by State
- Charge Rate Comparison by Employment Discrimination Area
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Status Reports
National and state-level reports presenting prevalence and relative economic status of people with disabilities
Virgin Islands Status Report
ACCESS Research
Detailed information on dozens of national level disability data sources
The Rehabilitation Dataset Directory is an easy to use searchable database to help rehabilitation researchers identify datasets relevant to their areas of interests.
The Disability Dataset User Guides are designed to provide researchers and others with information on key disability data sources. They provide a detailed description of the dataset, including historical background, sampling, strengths, limitations and unique features.
Frequently Asked Questions
Important questions to consider when using disability statistics:- What data source should I use?
- What are the differences between the disability questions asked in 2008 ACS and the previous versions (ACS 2003-2007)?
- What are the Annual Disability Status Reports?
- Where can I get more information about disability data sources?
- What is the definition of disability?
- Why do the ACS numbers on this web site differ from the Census Bureau?
- Why do I find different estimates of the number or percentage of people with disabilities on this site?
- Unemployment rate IS NOT equal to 70%
- What is the Census 2000 disability measurement issue?
- Where can I get more Census 2000 information on disability?
- Where does the 54 million Americans living with a disability number come from?
- References