Asian man with blade protheses stretching

Disability stats your way

Easily create and save maps, charts, and tables of national, state and local disability statistics

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Annual Disability Status Reports

Download national and state-level reports presenting prevalence and relative economic status of people with disabilities.

Two Sets of Estimates
From the American Community Survey (ACS) provides custom estimates calculated by Cornell University and estimates from tables generated by the Census Bureau.

Custom Estimates

ACS Custom 1-Year Estimates are generated by the Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability at Cornell University using the 1-year ACS Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data.

  • Best for national and state-level estimates
  • Includes more topics and demographic breakdowns
  • Based on the most current data available


Census Estimates

ACS Census 5-Year Estimates are based on estimates from tables generated by the Census Bureau. These estimates are based on data compiled over a 5-year period, that is, the 2023 5-year Estimates use data collected from 2018 to 2023.

  • Best for estimates for small, substate areas, e.g., counties
  • Topics are more limited
  • Combines 5 years of data


Maps, Charts, Tables, and Summaries

Display stats your way. Choose from multiple visualization types, including choropleth maps, bar charts, tables, and summary text.

US map with Kansas highlighted with example data


Display disability statistics by county, congressional district, or state. Pan, zoom, and view details on demand. Filter by form or histogram to specify the data you need.

Stylized bar chart


Customize charts to view statistics by disability type, race, sex, or education for selected counties, congressional districts, or states.

Stylized data table with example data


All map and chart data are available in accessible tabular format. Sort and customize column views to get the table you need.

Text highlighted as an example of how summary text can be copied

Summary Text

Need help writing about the statistics you’ve selected? Select and copy descriptive text for your reports and grants!

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